I was asked - why name this blog Red Daisy? Easy - I love red daisies. Red daisies are unpretentious. They are often associated with modesty and simplicity. Just like me! Daisies are not arrogant like roses. Red daisies also describe my broken heart. In the old days, heartbroken Victorian young women who wished to be loved once again by their suitors began a custom using the daisy, that is still in use today. In Victorian times is was a young maiden would pluck a daisy's petals one by one and sing, "He loves me, he loves me not," for each petal pulled. The last petal so plucked predicted the future of such love.
...Sigh... If only love is that easy!
The message that daisies bring are of innocence, purity, and gentleness on behalf of both the giver and the receiver. The daisy's message is, "You have as many virtues as this plant has petals". A red daisy tells of beauty unknown to the possessor.
Beautiful is it!
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